Philosophic Classics

One of the opportunities of higher education is extended seasons of writing. So, this semester I will be writing a series of posts from my class writing on the early History of Philosophy. I will begin in Plato/Socrates (Plato wrote everything we know about Socrates), and I will end with St. Aquinas. Each post will be small and should take only 5 minutes or so to read. I hope this will better orient people to the history of philosophy and philosophical thinking in general. If you are interested in reading along over the next 4 months or so, I will be selecting these works out of this Philosophic Reader. Each post will have a small Christian addendum at the end to provoke some thought, but mostly I will just be presenting the works as best as I can in a small space. Christians should think about and read these important figures who have shaped the western world, so I hope you will benefit from my posts as I read these dense works of philosophy.

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